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family on vacation at beachIt is spring break season! Even with the current health situation still going on, millions of Americans are hitting the roads (or skies) and heading to their favorite vacation spot. While it is natural to “let loose” on a diet when you are traveling, there are some tips I can give you to not completely sabotage a well thought out plan.

In our Cincinnati and Florence Kentucky weight loss centers we focus on getting people to maintain the successful weight loss they have achieved while they are on vacation. It is very rare for someone to want to continue on a diet while sitting at the beach or visiting their favorite amusement park. Here are a few strategies we give to our weight loss clients to help them maintain while vacationing.

1. Follow the 80/20 rule - Of course you are going to want to indulge in good food while on vacation. The 80/20 rule implies that you will eat foods that you typically wouldn’t while on your typical diet. You would want to limit those foods, however, to 20% of the total food consumed.

2. Focus on activities, not food – Try to make the trip about spending time with family or certain activities rather that the next meal. Depending on the type of trip this may be easier or more difficult.

3. Keep a high activity level – You can burn up a lot of calories walking around Walt Disney World. Again some vacations are going to be more active than others. You can certainly take walks, paddle board, ski, or even take a water aerobics course when away to supplement your activity.

I hope these tips were helpful and you enjoy your next vacation while staying healthy!

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