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As gyms begin opening back up, I have started to get the question “how can I keep myself safe when I go back to the gym?” While we do not require exercise as part of our weight loss programs in our Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky weight loss clinics, we understand that people are going to want to exercise for their overall health. So let me start by saying that the only way to 100% prevent yourself from getting sick from going to the gym is to not go to the gym.

If that seems unreasonable you will need to weigh out the risk you are willing to take. Are you sick or immune compromised? Do you have family members who are at high risk? If you still decide to go to the gym there are a few things you can do to minimize your chance of getting sick. First, don’t work out near anyone else. Keeping distance between you and others is essential. Second, clean all equipment you use. This will help stop the spread of germs. Third, wear a mask. This may be inconvenient but will minimize the risk of disease transmission.

While not essential for weight loss, exercise is important. If you choose to go back to the gym please take precautions to protect yourself and others.

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