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Exercise for BeginnersWhen trying to lose weight, often the first thing people think to do is exercise. This, unfortunately, is not the best way to lose weight (especially body fat). I have written Posts on why this is the case in the past. Please check those previous posts out for a refresher on this topic. Today what I want to discuss is what exercises beginners should be focusing on if they are on a calorie restricted diet. In our Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky weight loss centers we do allow our clients to exercise but the advice is always to keep the intensity light enough that you don't have to change your diet program. So let's look at a few exercises that I feel are good for beginners and that I do advocate for in our weight loss clinics.

Planks - Holding a plank is a great beginner exercise. It focuses on what are most peoples weak point - the core! Planks are also great because they require no special equipment and are not taxing on the joints. You can also change how they are done very easily. If a full plank is too difficult you can start on your knees. You can also do side planks or alternate raising one arm or leg for a challenge.

Walking - This one may seem simple or obvious but in both our Cincinnati and Florence weight loss clinics, walking is usually the first suggestion we have when a client wants to exercise. It is easy and requires no equipment. Most importantly, however, walking progress can be tracked very easily. If you walk .1 mile every day for a week and the next week feel comfortable at .2 miles and so on, you know you are making progress.

Get ups - Here is another simple one that requires no equipment. This one is challenging however. To perform a get up start sitting and simply stand up. Repeat this about 10 times. If you feel comfortable starting from sitting you can move to starting from laying down face up. I can promise you that if you do 10 get ups starting from a laying down position you will feel like you are exercising.

No we advise everyone to be cleared by their doctor before exercising. Once you are, however, try these exercises for a nice transition into the world of exercise.

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