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african mango

What does research say about African Mango as it pertains to weight loss? In our weight loss clinics in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky we use African Mango with our weight loss because the science says it is safe and effective. So let’s look at the study I find most credible when it comes to African Mangos role in weight loss.

120 participants were given 150 mg of African Mango two times per day. A placebo group was also used and there was no difference in diet between the two groups. So what were the results? It turned out that by the end of the study the participants that took African Mango had lost more weight, had lower body fat, had smaller waist circumference and had lower cholesterol.

While in our weight loss clinics in Cincinnati and Florence Kentucky we don’t view African Mango as a miracle weight loss aid, we do view it as a useful tool.

It is our belief that the African Mango helps to control appetite as well as blocks new fat cells from forming. This is why we find it such a useful aid.

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